I’m Maureen.
I’m a Mom, Physician, and Life Coach.
I Dreamed Of Being A Mom, But I Didn’t Dream About The Struggles Of Parenting
I had two dreams when I was young: to be a pediatrician and become a mom. My dreams did become reality when I walked across the stage on my father’s 50th birthday to be awarded my medical degree while being newly pregnant with my first child. Over the next few years, I was blessed to become a mom on three separate occasions. Each child brought incredible joy and difficult challenges.
And then this happened…
When I was a pediatric resident, my infant daughter was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. I lived in a world filled with surgeries, chemotherapy, lines, tubes, and medications. I allowed the stress and chaos of parenting a child with medical challenges consume me. Years later, she was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and this brought on more challenges along with my other two children’s mental health diagnoses. I became lost in a world that revolved around navigating the health concerns of my children. Parenting my children through the years has brought incredible challenges and difficult joy.

Want to learn how to overcome challenges?
Want to be inspired?
Want to live to thrive?
Read RECLAIMING LIFE: A Guide for Parents of Chronically Ill Children.

I have loved caring for children with chronic health issues during my time as a pediatrician and allergist/immunologist. I could easily educate my patients about what they needed to do to improve their health, but it was much more difficult to teach them how to do it.